Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Time Machine

Time Machine, is software that comes with leopard (10.5), that allows you to recover data
from a previous backup date. All the files are viewed through finder in the time machine software. What really goes down behind all this is a backup of all your files that are  categorized as you do in finder, to your external drive. Every time you backup your machine it creates a new dated folder in the backups folder on your external drive. Time machine uses a snazzy interface instead of going through folders. Tell me your thought and opinions,
The Black Macbook blogger

Final Cut Express 4 & LiveType

The software I am reviewing today is Final Cut Express 4 and LiveType (included). First of all when purchasing the software I made a big mistake. I bought the software without educational discount! They had a sale for final cut studio 2 for $600 (still in effect)!! My dad said if I can bring it back he would buy me Final Cut Studio 2 $1200 software for $600, what a deal! Apple has all their strict policies and for this case the "open box no return" rule. This was very unfortunate, don't make the same mistake!
Anyway let get on about the software, it cost $199 from Apple and Apple designed software. This is beginner software for professional video editing. This is basically a modeled down version of Final Cut Studio 2. Which is good to have this type of software, most people do home video editing (real light). The minimum requirement is 1 gb or ram. The final cut studio 2 on the other hand need 4 GB of ram to run properly and uses 120 gb of hard disk space. Tell me your thoughts or opinions thank you,
The Black Macbook Bologger

iWork '08

Today I decided to purchase iWork '08 after playing around with it at the apple store. "The software is very intuitive", my dad says.  The programs was also designed by apple, so thats what we expect. The software is very clean and you can do so much, like all the programs apple creates.
I will defiantly "use" this software other than messing around. I have to say, it isn't as good as Office for the mac. iWork is similar to Office but with limited features. They hit the head on the nail with entourage. Apple Mail only supported pop and imap which hotmail didn't support, now office created entourage to fix that. I would recommend this software to people that want to create more of an artistic presentation, with all the themes it includes.